By this time is was already 430am, I was typically late, but I didnt care. I didn't have time to warm up my brother's 4Runner (which btw I had to borrow for the week- that'll be another blog later in time) so off to work I go. I don't remember who I was texting, or tweeting at the time (because I was under the influence) but all I know is it took ONE SECOND for me to take my eyes off the road, and it was a "jaws of life" situation. I hit the median, and rolled the vehicle (1 1/2 times) landing on the driver side, in the middle of Russell Rd. When I finally realized what had happened a by stander came to the front windshield asking "Are you okay in there?" "Can you get out?" I looked around the car with confusion, and somewhat of an out of body experience to capture the idea of what was going on. I reached for the release button on my seat belt, and it wouldnt budge. The seat belt had locked up, and I was trying to hold myself up from my side to try to figure a way out- I was trapped! The man was still questioning me while I was trying to get out "are you in there by yourself" "have you been drinking?" His next statement would have flipped my lid even if I wasn't in an accident- "Don't worry, but I just wanted to tell you that the vehicle is leaking fluid- it might be gas...." I sat there in disbelief thinking to myself "I'm gonna die" I then repeatedly yanked on that damn seat belt release button but nothing, I tried squeezing out but that wasn't working either..."the police, and medics are on their way- don't worry" is what he said trying to reassure me.
All I can think of when the fire fighter said "we have to use the jaws of life to get you out" is "my brother's gonna fuckin kill me!!" He had just spent a few grand on the truck's engine, and it was his way of transportation. He threw the tarp over our bodies, and held me, as I cried. I could feel the pieces of glass hit our protected bodies, but the sound of the saw going through the metal is what I remember most. Thinking back to my experience it felt like hours that they were trying to get me out, but I'm sure it was no longer than 10 minutes?
If you've ever had an experience where you felt like you had NOBODY to call, hear me out for a second. I'm laying in the hospital bed thinking of how I'm gonna explain this one to my Mom, will I be out of a job, I dont have extra money right now for this, etc when the nurse comes to my bed and asks "Do you have FAMILY or someone to call to pick you up?" I thought for a few second's and I cried "No." I wanted to "Call Mom" my sister, or someone who would drop anything for me in a second, but what can they do 4 1/2 hours away from me. My second thought was to call my ex, but I knew he wouldn't answer because he's a heavy sleeper lol true story! I had nobody to turn to, and felt alone.
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