Thursday, January 19, 2012

Double Whammy

So it appears I'm not the only one who's expecting a baby in 7 short months...I seriously know like 7 other people right now who are expecting, yes, congratulations to us all!!  One of them being my sissy :) We've been talking about how cool it would be to experience pregnancy together, before we actually conceived, and viola- it happened!  I told her that we should both tell Mom, and tell her together.  She agreed, and on our way to Marshall's we go.
As we approach my Mom at the cash register with cheshire cat smiles, she look's up with a questioned face, and says "what are you guys up too?"  We laugh "LOL nothing, we just came by to say hi."  "Sure!!" she resonds.  As she is wrapping up with her customer, my sister, and I are discussing our game plan.  "I'll go first, then you tell her" she suggested.  My stomach was in one fat knot.  Of course I'm happy about being pregnant, and I'm pretty sure my Mom will be 100% supportive, but there's always that feeling of the actual reaction. 
 We walk up to my Mom's register, and just start talking; how's your day been? how is work? You know, the small talk angle lol then my sister say's "I took a test."  "And?" my Mom replies "I'm pregnant!" "Are you? Really?" my Mom asked.  "Yup, I'm 6 weeks." she said.  My Mom came out from behind her register with a big smile, "Congratulations mija!" she said as she gave her a warming hug. Then my Mom looked at me, and back at my sister; then back at me again, and said "whaaaaaat?" All I could do was giggle.  My Mom figured it out though "oh my gosh!! not you too??" I said "Yes, I'm pregnant too." And we all stood in the middle of the cash wrap at Marshall's, and hugged.
My Mom's boss was just a few feet away the whole time, and she said "are you fuckin serious, both of you are pregnant? Holy shit Joyce, go take a break" she suggested hahahahaa talk about killing two birds with one stone. :)

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