Monday, January 30, 2012

the news is out

So now that you all know my little secret, let me start by saying, "mannnnn what a relief!!!"  You don't know how hard keeping that in for 2months has been, and I'll also fore warn you, you might get sick of all my "baby" posts because I totally plan on letting you all in on this joyous chapter of our life.  And to those of you who were "exclusive" to the baby news, thank you for keeping it a secret, and for your prayers.
I've actually been feeling pretty good this past week!  I'm not sure if it's because I changed prenatals, or if it's because I'm coming up on my 2nd trimester but it's such a relief!  And speaking of that...can someone remind me to buy TUMS? Thanks?
I'm fresh into my 11th week, which according to what I've read:
Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden.  She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.
In a week from today we'll go for our 1st ultra sound.  Ooooh exciting, right?  I'm feeling a little nervous as well, but definitely excited!  I'm a first time Mommy to be, and I'm pretty sure I'll cry if we hear the baby's heart beat, and holy shit what if there's 2 little one's growing in there?  Because I sure feel like a fatty.  I was telling my Mom the other day, "I feel sorry for myself when the weight really packs on, I'm gonna be a fat ass!!"  She rolled her eyes, and laughed.  But seriously I'm so self conscious about my body/weight as it is, I'm gonna have to figure it out real soon.
A big thank YOU to my honey, for: hanging in there with my mood swings, back and foot pain, nausea, and everything else we're about to endure.  Like I've said in my posts, I know with ALL my heart, this has been HIS plan all along.  GOD works in mysterious, yet GLORIOUS ways, and I'm so grateful for this gift we were given.  GOD is right on time, all the time.  :)
BTW if you're not a preferred krayziekat blog reader...scroll down to see MORE of my pregnant stories xoxo

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Double Whammy

So it appears I'm not the only one who's expecting a baby in 7 short months...I seriously know like 7 other people right now who are expecting, yes, congratulations to us all!!  One of them being my sissy :) We've been talking about how cool it would be to experience pregnancy together, before we actually conceived, and viola- it happened!  I told her that we should both tell Mom, and tell her together.  She agreed, and on our way to Marshall's we go.
As we approach my Mom at the cash register with cheshire cat smiles, she look's up with a questioned face, and says "what are you guys up too?"  We laugh "LOL nothing, we just came by to say hi."  "Sure!!" she resonds.  As she is wrapping up with her customer, my sister, and I are discussing our game plan.  "I'll go first, then you tell her" she suggested.  My stomach was in one fat knot.  Of course I'm happy about being pregnant, and I'm pretty sure my Mom will be 100% supportive, but there's always that feeling of the actual reaction. 
 We walk up to my Mom's register, and just start talking; how's your day been? how is work? You know, the small talk angle lol then my sister say's "I took a test."  "And?" my Mom replies "I'm pregnant!" "Are you? Really?" my Mom asked.  "Yup, I'm 6 weeks." she said.  My Mom came out from behind her register with a big smile, "Congratulations mija!" she said as she gave her a warming hug. Then my Mom looked at me, and back at my sister; then back at me again, and said "whaaaaaat?" All I could do was giggle.  My Mom figured it out though "oh my gosh!! not you too??" I said "Yes, I'm pregnant too." And we all stood in the middle of the cash wrap at Marshall's, and hugged.
My Mom's boss was just a few feet away the whole time, and she said "are you fuckin serious, both of you are pregnant? Holy shit Joyce, go take a break" she suggested hahahahaa talk about killing two birds with one stone. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm just sick

Who ever thought of the term "morning sickness" was definitely not a woman.  I wake up, and I'm nausea.  I try to eat a little something to nurture the growing fetus, and I feel sickly.  At guessed it, I feel like puking!  This is all day, throughout the day for me, but I'm hoping this will only last til the 2nd trimester *fingers crossed* I'm alittle bitchy, and moody as well, and for whatever reason seem to be taking it out more on the baby's Dad.  It's not intentional by any means, he just seems to be the receiver of these random rants.  I'm just thankful I'm not actually puking, but the feeling of having/wanting to throw up all day is pretty shitty.  LOL the other day my brother was teasing me because I was laying in bed, feeling like death, and he asked "So did you learn your lesson?" I said "no!"  and stuck up my middle finger :)
I've been reading that ginger/gingerale may help morning sickness, and my sister suggested citrus fruits...I guess I'll have to try every remedy until I figure out what works for me, wish me luck!

Friday, January 6, 2012

it's the size of a blueberry

I had a feeling something was going on when two things happened 1) I cried when Danny said "promise to never stop loving me." and 2) when I woke up around 330am one morning to go to the bathroom...I NEVER do that.  Well, surprise-surprise, now it's a daily routine- as I'm 7 1/2 weeks or so pregnant.  I would KINDLY appreciate you, if you're reading this, to not mention anything about it until I reveal it to the readers, have a golden ticket as to what's happening in the next few weeks...and btw, THANK YOU!! Yes, we're super excited!!  Although I wasnt too sure in the beginning LOL let me explain...
I figured "what the heck" I'm a few days late, I'll just take a test to see what happens.  I didn't even pee on it for the required "5 seconds for an accuarate read," and hopped into the shower.  As I'm conditioning my hair, I took a peek, and sure enough there were TWO pink lines, indicating- pregnant!  I'm dancing in the shower, thinking "oh my gosh oh my gosh...finally GOD has given me a gift of life"
I concealed the test in my sock from the bathroom across the hall to my room, just in case I ran into someone suddenly.  Danny was scanning good old status updates via facebook, and I was trying to think of a creative way to show him the good news...all I could think of was sticking it right in his face, he looked at it, and flung it across the room, and said "don't bullshit like that"...I immediately started laughing at his reaction, and said "I'm not!!" Obviously he thinks it's still a joke of some sort as I'm trying to hold a sincere stare, and say to him "I promise it's mine, I just took it."  "Are you fucking serious?" he asked.  I began to giggle, and shook my head yes...he still didnt believe me, as my sister is 13 weeks along, and thought it was hers.  I took him by the hand and say "Babe, I swear to GOD this is mine, I just took it-" there was a long pause as he gazed into my eyes trying to find the truth, I said "We're going to have a baby!"  "Oh my gosh!! Are you serious? Really!! You swear?  Oh my gosh!!  I love you" is what he said.  I sat in his lap, and we held each other in a silent happiness in what felt like a lifetime but it was probably a good 5 minutes.
You have NO idea how hard it is to hold something this joyous in (as a secret), although I have been dropping hints here and there, nobody seems to have caught on just yet.  I just want to make sure I get through the 1st trimester, before I make any announcements, so we'd greatly appreciate it if you kept us in your prayers.  Thank GOD, and thank you. :)