Wednesday, October 26, 2011

a friendly walk

So what I hit snooze from 6:15 til 7:05, shoot me!!  When I finally got up and ready, I took Raider on our usual walk, I noticed 2 of our snooty neighbors- so I walked in the opposite direction!  6 minutes down the path, there they (snooters) are of course looking at me and my 2 year old pit with disgust.  I'm not sure if it was my tattoos, large boobs, cool I'm kick ass demeanor, or the fact that Raider looks like he'd tear them apart but I took the iniciative to say "hello."  One responded with "you live in the corner blue house, right?"  "Yup, that's me- Katrina" and I stuck out my hand to shake theirs and said "This is Raider, do you mind if we walk with you?"  "Not at all" was Kathy's response "And this is Bo, she lives up the street too!"
So as we all made friends down the trail, I thought to myself- this should be interesting?!  These women are easily 60 plus, whatever could we talk about?  Well to my surprise what didn't we talk about!  First it was how in the state of California if pitbulls aren't licensed, animal patrol can take them to the pound without question, and put them down :( which reminds me I need to get Raider's shots, vaccines, and license updated!  Then it was the beauty of the wild life in the Santa Monica Mountain range: coyotes, dear, rabbits, quail, mountain lions etc, and how beautiful it is where we live.  And of to the race track with what I do for a living, we giggled, smiled, and enjoyed each other's conversation.
Kathy surprised me when she asked "Aurelia was your grandmother, right?"  My heart stopped for a second, with a fuzzy feeling that I get inside when people I'm not related to mention her name.  "Yes she was." I said with a smile, and genuinely smiled back and continued walking and talking.  I found out that both Kathy and Bo work from their home, as therapists, I should've asked if there's a friendly neighborhood discount lol who knows if I'll walk with the what I thought were snooty neighbors until I got to know them again?  But what I do know is it was nice getting to know other friendly beings.

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