Wednesday, February 6, 2013

just like being a parent

Seriously it's been a year since I've last blogged?  Wow!!  I guess that's what having a child will do to you, not to mention: stretch marks, loss of hair, leaky bladder, sleepless nights, shitty diapers- do any of you relate yet? ;) 
Lol this is AWESOME, Me blogging- a quick shout out to Mambo (for the reminder of what an AMAZING blogger I am) aka Mambizzle aka Daniel aka Mambolini of the Rico and Mambo morning show, be sure to check out their website ok, enough of him, back to me.
I've been thinking thinking thinking, and have come up with a few different ideas as to what my next step in life is.  A new avenue, a back up plan, something else to add to my resume if you will.  I'm a little nervous, and excited at the same time- kind of like being a parent, the outcome will be beautiful!  
I hope I don't sound cliche but I've had an eating disorder before, yes just like Demi Lovato, and the thousand other celebrities out there!  I think it's something that developed while I was growing up?  I was a rather thin toddler/child and then somewhere in between 12 and 16 I blew up.  People used to tease me all the time, and I didn't really know how or where to turn for comfort- so I did what most people do, and let it all build up.  
I want you, and other people to know that binge eating then sticking your fingers down your throat is NOT the answer!  Exercising, and eating McDonald's in NOT the way.  If you want to become a healthier YOU- be ready for a change in your LIFESTYLE!  No one said it's gonna be easy, but it damn sure is worth it- just like being a parent!  and MORE importantly Mom's and Dad's your little one is worth it!  You being healthy, and active will be rewarding to your child as they get older and want to play outside but you can't because you're overweight, and tired or you're out of breath because you smoke those damn cancer sticks!!
Here I am now: 33 years young, a sexy, beautiful, smart, and funny MOMMY, sister, daughter, friend, and everything in between!!  And eager to become an even better me lol can you imagine, I'm already GREAT ;)